Congratulations to Me!

This morning I went in for my Prenatal Screening at the Specialty Hospital. They drew blood and did a urinalysis. The lab tech left the room for a few minutes and came back in holding a pregnancy test. She proudly announced, "There's a line! Congratulations! You're Pregnant!" I guess I assumed she realized that I knew (you know, what with all the ultrasounds and stuff). Thinking back on it, the look I gave her probably made her think this wasn't an expected (or wanted) pregnancy. I finally recovered and mumbled, "Thanks." But the damage was done. Maybe I should have explained my situation, but I figured she didn't really care, so I just let it go. I have my first appointment with the OB (Dr. Burks) next Monday morning.

Also, Tim and I went to our first Anticipating Baby class tonight. I wasn't really sure what to expect, but it was definitely worth the time. We spent most of the time talking about labor and delivery and then we took a tour of the Maternity department at Sycamore Shoals Hospital. I was really impressed! We also reviewed relaxation breathing techniques and our coaches gave us back rubs (clearly my favorite part of the class!) Although I do feel out of place in the class because most of the other pregnant women have huge bellies and are in their third trimesters. But the next class (in October and November) just didn't work with my schedule (you know, their's apparently some kind of election or something...)


Anonymous said...

You always did enjoy class.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Congratulations to Me!

This morning I went in for my Prenatal Screening at the Specialty Hospital. They drew blood and did a urinalysis. The lab tech left the room for a few minutes and came back in holding a pregnancy test. She proudly announced, "There's a line! Congratulations! You're Pregnant!" I guess I assumed she realized that I knew (you know, what with all the ultrasounds and stuff). Thinking back on it, the look I gave her probably made her think this wasn't an expected (or wanted) pregnancy. I finally recovered and mumbled, "Thanks." But the damage was done. Maybe I should have explained my situation, but I figured she didn't really care, so I just let it go. I have my first appointment with the OB (Dr. Burks) next Monday morning.

Also, Tim and I went to our first Anticipating Baby class tonight. I wasn't really sure what to expect, but it was definitely worth the time. We spent most of the time talking about labor and delivery and then we took a tour of the Maternity department at Sycamore Shoals Hospital. I was really impressed! We also reviewed relaxation breathing techniques and our coaches gave us back rubs (clearly my favorite part of the class!) Although I do feel out of place in the class because most of the other pregnant women have huge bellies and are in their third trimesters. But the next class (in October and November) just didn't work with my schedule (you know, their's apparently some kind of election or something...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You always did enjoy class.

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