Only Ten Weeks Left...WHAT???

Today I hit 30 weeks in my pregnancy, and while it is hugely (appropriate word for those of you who have seen me recently!) exciting, it is also frightening to think of everything that is to come in the next 10 or so weeks. While I'm dying to be able to hold Laurel in my arms, the getting her out into the real world is pretty scary. And there's also all the other preparations that need to be completed before we are ready to welcome a baby into our home and our lives. We're in fairly good condition in the nursery, but there's still a surprising numbers of things we need (like a carseat, stroller, high chair) just to name a few.

I've also entered the realm of general uncomfortableness. No more flinging myself down on the sofa for a little cat nap or cozying up in bed for an uninterrupted night's sleep. I now need a strategic pillow plan to make myself comfortable and an even better plan to get myself to my feet. Poor Tim has to squash himself onto the couch if he wants to cuddle up with me, and then he is subjected to numerous demands to move, scoot over, bend his legs a different way, adjust his arm, etc. He's taking it all in stride, although he does get back at me by teasing me about my daily-widening girth and the development of a waddle when I walk.

Even with these changes, I'm feeling fantastic overall and still have quite a bit of energy. I'm now seeing the obstetrician every two weeks, and in just five weeks that will switch to once-a-week visits.


Tricia said...

Oh boy, these are the exciting days! Please please please let me know if you need any information, help with anything, advice or just someone to complain to when you have those I feel gross days! I can't wait to meet Laurel, you are going to have a blast.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Only Ten Weeks Left...WHAT???

Today I hit 30 weeks in my pregnancy, and while it is hugely (appropriate word for those of you who have seen me recently!) exciting, it is also frightening to think of everything that is to come in the next 10 or so weeks. While I'm dying to be able to hold Laurel in my arms, the getting her out into the real world is pretty scary. And there's also all the other preparations that need to be completed before we are ready to welcome a baby into our home and our lives. We're in fairly good condition in the nursery, but there's still a surprising numbers of things we need (like a carseat, stroller, high chair) just to name a few.

I've also entered the realm of general uncomfortableness. No more flinging myself down on the sofa for a little cat nap or cozying up in bed for an uninterrupted night's sleep. I now need a strategic pillow plan to make myself comfortable and an even better plan to get myself to my feet. Poor Tim has to squash himself onto the couch if he wants to cuddle up with me, and then he is subjected to numerous demands to move, scoot over, bend his legs a different way, adjust his arm, etc. He's taking it all in stride, although he does get back at me by teasing me about my daily-widening girth and the development of a waddle when I walk.

Even with these changes, I'm feeling fantastic overall and still have quite a bit of energy. I'm now seeing the obstetrician every two weeks, and in just five weeks that will switch to once-a-week visits.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Oh boy, these are the exciting days! Please please please let me know if you need any information, help with anything, advice or just someone to complain to when you have those I feel gross days! I can't wait to meet Laurel, you are going to have a blast.

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